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Our plantation workers

Enrique Guzmann (Plantation-foreman)
I have been working for the Austrians since 2001 and from the beginning I have been involved in the entire process, having done everything from cultivating the seeds to planting. I live with my wife and five children on the “Finca de Los Austriacos” and enjoy working in the plantations. The word quickly went round that professional equipment, regular working hours and fair pay were on offer and in the meantime, we have a total of around 70 plantation workers.

Working in the teak forests is a wonderful job, because you can see very well how fast the trees are growing here in Costa Rica. In the early years, the Austrian tree cultivation methods were entirely new to us, today everything is going “solo bueno!”.

Cristian Arias (Plantation worker)

Everything is explained to us carefully and this immediately makes clear why we do something the way we do and not differently.


Adolfo Aguilar (Plantation worker)

In this area there are not a lot of job opportunities. I’m glad that I don’t have to travel far to work.

Alexis Hernández (Plantation worker)

Our trees are the most beautiful!

Genaro Hernández (Plantation worker)

Here I was given my own working boots which is not the case at other firms.

Rafael López (Plantation worker)

Austrians are really OK. They speak our language and you can have a joke with them.

Jonathan Cascante (Plantation worker)

I have just joined the team and already feel at home.

Cristian Cascante (Plantation worker)

The environment is looked after and in the “Quebradas” you can again see beautiful animals and plants.

Jorge Chavez (Plantation worker)

You can see how well the teak trees are growing. I like working on this “finca”.

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