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Information pursuant to Sec. 5 of the E-Commerce Act

Data protection and legal information:
Teak Holz International AG is delighted to note your visit and your interest in our enterprise and our teak forestry and teak products. We take the protection of your private details seriously and want you to feel at ease on our website. By visiting or using the Teak Holz International AG website, you confirm your consent to our terms of use.

Personal information:
In order to be able to deal with your inquiry correctly, such as requests for annual or quarterly reports, news letters,… we need your personal details. It is your decision alone to complete these forms. Teak Holz International AG undertakes to treat these details confidentially and not to pass them on to third parties. Responsible handling of your details and compliance with data protection regulations is a matter of course for us. We use technical and organisation measures in order to ensure the highest security standards. The security measures are regularly updated in accordance with the latest technological developments. We will be pleased to answer any further queries at any time.

Domiciled: Legal invoice address: A-1010 Wien, Stallburggasse 4
Office and postal address: Please send all documents (invoices, too) only to this address: A-4020 Linz, Wiener Strasse 131, TOP 10.03
Phone: +43 (0)732 908 909-90
eMail: office@teak-ag.com

Teak Holz International AG uses cookies in order to trace visitor preferences and to design the web pages in the best possible way. You can activate or deactivate the use of cookies at any time (browser settings). A difference is made between temporary and protocol cookies. The former are used to administer the visit, allowing the server to identify the page that should be shown next. The use of protocol cookies indicates the pages that have been visited. Cookies are intended to help design a website according to your needs and wishes. Although they contain technical information, they do not include personal details such as e-mail address or postal address. Personal details are only transmitted with your express consent.

Legal notice:
Teak Holz International AG makes every effort to provide correct and complete information on the website. However, it assumes no liability or guarantee that the information provided is up to date, accurate or complete, nor for the content of the internet pages to which our website is directly or indirectly linked. The links provided do not constitute or encourage advertising. We assume no liability for any content within our website or for any content created or reproduced outside www.teak-ag.com or www.teakholzinternational.com . Visitors follow links to other websites and home pages at their own risk and use them in accordance with the terms of use applicable to the websites in question.

The information on the website constitutes neither an invitation to purchase nor an invitation to otherwise trade in shares. Teak Holz International AG is not liable for any direct or indirect losses, including lost profit, incurred as a result of or in connection with information provided on the website. Teak Holz International AG reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided without prior notice.

The website content is protected by copyright. Teak Holz International AG, however, grants the visitor the right to store and reproduce the text provided on our website in whole or in extract. For copyright reasons, we only permit you to store and reproduce pictorial material (photos), graphics or videos from our website after prior request and our written allowance by the THI press department.

Edited by:
Phone: +43 732 908 909-90
Email: office(at)teak-ag.com

Company representatives:
Mr. DI Dr. Franz Fraundorfer

Press direct contact